
It begins here...

And so it begins, my first blog post..ever. This is weird for me since I'm not an avid Facebook poster, tweeter, or any other social networking sight-er. But, I'm starting to feel like I have something to write about.

I love homes. It sounds cliche, but home is where the heart is. It is the center of everything and from which everything comes. Everyone has a home, and I love homes that are comfy, pretty yet unique, vintage yet modern, and white and lovely. A good home can change any mood. Sometimes my tastes contradict, but I know what I love and I want to share it.

Most of these pictures I find are from other blogs or design sites, so I will try my best to give cred'

Love the simplicity and the natural light in this kitchen.

Don't you just want to curl up under that blanket and read a good book? :)

My goal is consistency..which is one of my weaknesses. I read enough blogs each day that I should be able to write my own, so we'll see how this goes.