
Outdoor to Indoor

The other day my boyfriend and I had a minor disagreement about indoor plants...things could be worse, right? While he thinks they are a necessary element that add so much to a room and are reminiscent of the house he grew up in, my mind immediately floods with images of tacky, overgrown vegetation taking over a stuffy house where they use the word "parlor" for the living room in which their furniture is under preservation in plastic casings. The Little Shop of Horrors theme song rings in my ears. He was even resistant to my simple, mathematical logic under the transitive property (the only thing I picked up from math class); plants=dirt, dirt=bugs, plants=bugs, all of which belong outside.

Now, I like to be open to things and a little succulent here and there can be cute, so I did a little research and realized that when done right and in good taste...indoor plants CAN be quite nice. Let's not get carried away though, we still aren't going to be hanging anything from the ceiling. But, here are a few ideas I got from Sanctuary:

Great addition to an otherwise lonely windowsill.

Ok, I could see myself having fun picking out some awesome vintage pots.

Love the idea of a fresh herb garden in the kitchen.

Barely inside is good ;)

When kept to a minimum, small plants can be a great addition, especially as a breath of life in the dead of winter. But less is definitely more!

Thanks for reading :)


Vintage Milk Glass: Not Just for Grannies

The first time I caught myself looking at a set of blue milk glass tumblers at a flea market, my friend looked at me sideways and mumbled something about how they looked like something her grandmother owned. Well call me Grandma, but I happen to love milk glass and think it looks so pretty in the bathroom as storage for bubble bath, cotton swabs or makeup sponges. Toiletry packaging, plastic bags and cardboard boxes should be banned entirely- they just aren't pretty! Milk glass is so dainty and full of detail and great texture. When you go into the bathroom you shouldn't be inundated by loud labels and bulky packages!

Sorry they're so small, but you get the idea!
(Images by Amanda Wright)

This is how you do bathroom storage.

Milk glass looks great in the kitchen along open shelving as well:

LOVE it.
(Image via Sanctuary)


A Break for Spring

I am beyond ready for my winter clothes to go into a long hibernation period and infuse my closet with all my spring favorites. I'm home in LA for a few days and I think the much needed dose of Vitamin D has gone to my head. I'm counting my pennies for some of the season's best trends I've got my eye on. But, before I get too carried away I must remind myself that at the end of the week I'll be back in the SF Bay and my little toesies will absolutely freeze in the wedges I saw today, that are now soaked in my drool! San Francisco fog is perennial, but that just means we get to be creative...so here are some transitional pieces that I've come across that will get you through the tapering cold and into the thick of spring:

1. Ladylike jackets
Aryn K., $78

2. Bold printed blouses
Tucker, $276

3. Spring Booties
Mai Tai, $59

4. Silk Scarves
Switching out your winter scarves for silk ones is a great way to say you're ready for spring!

5. Statement Accessories
Tinley Road, $34

When spring dresses, shorts and sandals are out of the question, it's best to play with color. Layering in bright and cheerful hues with fun accessories will pick you up out of the slump of winter..and maybe the reflection will burn up all the fog! (wishful thinking)

I love a pop of pink!